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How to Fix an Appointment

Thumb nail of transit of planets before Saturn turns retrograde-Part 3 (Demo)

Please refer to the subject article posted on February 27, 2015 referring to Mars entering into 5th amsa corresponding to the eight sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, its own house on March 1, 2015 at 2040 hrs IST. It looks like that I am giving the running commentary about the game played by Mars as far as Indian politics is concerned.

A new Government in Jammu and Kashmir came into existence through political maneuvering just only to get power in the morning on March 1, 2015 and Television channels are busy right in the morning today (may be late on March 1 itself) about bickering in the Government even before they became operational. Further, uniformly across all political parties which are very active or in the news now, there is terrible dissent. However, the repercussions or effects of Mars on each party is dependent on the chart of the party and its leaders.

I would also like to draw the kind attention of the readers as to how every date and in many cases time also, mentioned by me is so very significant. This being the case let me boldly write that every passing hour from now on, we will witness several events which might even blast off the foundation of the party itself.

It is worth repeating here that the lord of the first and eighth sign of the Zodiac viz., Mars transiting in the last sign of the Zodiac and aspected by its own lord exalted, but retrograde Jupiter simply means dissolution of the characteristics of the first sign lord and termination by the eight sign of the Zodiac while Jupiter owning the 9th sign of the Zodiac as well and no planet in the ninth sign viz., Sagittarius may pave the way for a new future.

In addition to the above point, the position of Sun which is now in Aquarius will move to Pisces on March 15 at 0447 hrs IST and it is expected that by then the Government may be terribly shaky and on March 23, 2105 at 2157 hrs, Mars moves to Aries to give a new beginning leaving behind Sun in the 12th sign. Thus the lord of the fifth sign of the Zodiac Sun will be in twelfth and lord of the first sign Mars will be highly active in the first sign of the Zodiac. This was the position last time Mars entered Aries on April 12, 2013 and we all know what the outcome was when Mars entered the 7th sign of the Zodiac on February 4, 2014 conjoining Saturn and Rahu there. History may repeat.

Mars takes approximately two years to complete one round across the Zodiac and never can we afford to ignore the Astrological ambiance at the instant Mars enters Aries. For Astrology research enthusiasts, this can be a subject for further study.

K Jagadish,

Bangalore, India.

March 2, 2015.