Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment


Astrology is an artistic science based on the theory of POSSIBILITIES AND PROBABALITIES interpreted from the position of planets in the PrashnaKundali. The nucleus of this is the Doctrine of Karma, the first chapter of Bhagavad Gita. Astrology is a gift of God to mankind to get over anxieties and tensions by knowing the current course and explore new avenues. I do not suggest any remedy since according to Bhagvad Gita, human life simply runs according to our destiny as per our own Karmas. Prayer cannot change destiny but gives courage and confidence to face destiny boldly. Astrology helps to know the possibilities and probabilities to inspire, motivate and imbibes self-confidence and self-esteem.

The only remedy I suggest is sincere one-pointed meditation by concentrating the attention at the THIRD EYE or the THE SHIV NETRA and mentally repeating any name of your choice. Caste, colour, creed and religion are never considered at all. It is suggested to refrain from alcohol and it is best to adhere to pure vegetarian food from the health point of view even as per medical professionals and also to lessen our karmic load. The only remedy I suggest is sincere one-pointed meditation by concentrating the attention at the THIRD EYE or the THE SHIV NETRA and mentally repeating any name of your choice. Caste, colour, creed and religion are never considered at all. It is suggested to refrain from alcohol and it is best to adhere to pure vegetarian food from the health point of view even as per medical professionals and also to lessen our karmic load