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The Foundation Of Astrology

The Foundation Of Astrology

Ascendant and not the Moon sign

It is absolutely necessary and imperative that we decipher astrological charts
with the Ascendant or the Lagna as nucleus for predicting anything. Some people
are unfortunately considering the Moon sign as the most crucial point.

Give up beliefs, superstitions

It is extremely important to set aside superstitions prevailing from ages. It is not only superstitions but also what is being experienced a majority of people has to be set aside. Independent and unique application of mind. Rule-book astrology does not help. Everyone’s destiny is unique and needs special dedicated attention to answer the concerns of the individual. Mind of the Astrologer has to be fresh and clean for every client and mind needs to be refreshed after every question.

Don’t try to fix up Muhurats for any event.

Don’t take up seriously the mythological stories.

Set aside book rule / knowledge and quotations

Forget about Planetary enemies and friend – Check Videos Below:

Just ignore – benefic and malefices for specific Ascendant or Lagna.


Don’t also bother about auspicious/inauspicious.

Set aside Yogas, Doshas, curses etc.

Apply your mind on Exaltation and debilitation of planets.

Asterism of Planets is more important than the Planets themselves.

Look at the Planets Vs the sign of the Zodiac (example 5th lord of the Zodiac in say 4th house and what does it mean in a general manner). It may never mean as loss to 4th house at all. The video below will give some idea.

Moon depicting mind is very crucial – understand its position and asterism thoroughly and you need not take it as the epicenter for prediction.

Rahu and Ketu, the shadowy planets hold the key to a lot of critical events in life – don’t underestimate their impact considering only the Dasha, Bhukthi and Antara.

Seriously consider Nodal Returns (Rahu & Ketu transiting over natal Rahu/Ketu) that is 18 years once.

here could be life changing and life challenging situations when the “reverse nodal transits” that is Transit Rahu transiting over natal Ketu. This phenomenon arises once in 9 years.

Observe carefully the position of Mars and its asterism:

This video can give you some idea:

The position of Mars and its asterism is of utmost importance. Here, it is worth applying mind on to the Zodiac sign and its peculiarities in terms of Rashi Tatwa, Bhava Tatwa. For example, Mars in Leo sign can mean a lot in terms of one trying to exert authority, power and assert himself/herself.

Want To Learn and Use Vedic Prashna Shasthra? Then Read This Carefully

Vedic Prashna Shasthra may not be the cup of everyone who knows Astrology. It is the unique prerogative of select few as per Divine Will. One has to practice concentration by meditation and be eligible to receive Divine grace by strict Spiritual Practice and living the life of in the most Spiritually acceptable discipline almost like Saints and Mystics. It is beyond the knowledge of Astrology while they should necessarily know Astrology, holistically.


Deriving the Aarooda Lagna for the question on hand by shuffling cowries is the crux of the subject. Watch the video here for more clarity. Then the question of the questionnaire should be reflected in the Prashna Kundali in the Bhava will relate to the question most often directly and sometimes indirectly by aspects of planet/s.



Maandi a harmonic of Saturn is critical. Maandi changes sign every Sunrise and Sunset and it holds the key to Prashna Kundali. The position of Mandi given by many Astrology softwires may or may not be accurate. There is only one Android Mobile software developed by an Astrologer of Kerala which has proved to be accurate in my practice of Astrology. Reference to this software at the end of this Page.

Maandi a harmonic of Saturn is critical by:

1.    Its position at that time.

2.    The Lord of that house or Bhava and the dispositor of that Bhava and its conjunction, if any, with other Planets and its impact.

3.    If Maandi is present in the Bhava of the question itself is a sure-shot of validating the question and its relevance. However, if Maandi is present in other Bhavas excluding the 9th Bhava, it needs to be investigated from various aspects. But if Maandi is located in other upachaya houses like, 3, 6, 10 and 11 from the Aarooda Lagna is good but cannot be a rule. For example, if the question is about job which is the prerogative of the 6th house from Aarooda lagna then it is a matter of deep application of mind before drawing any conclusion.

4.    In the example above (at Point No.3), it is evident that the question is very accurately reflected in the Prashna Kundali which confirms he has problems regarding his job. Look at all the relevant Bhavas with respect to the Aarooda Lagna to understand what are his current problems and share your findings. He will surely subscribe to your analysis and thus, you get confidence to move on.

5.    Now look at the 5th Bhava from the Aarooda Lagna to understand what was the past.

6.    Now look at the 9th Bhava from the 6th house of job to analyse what is the future for him.

7.    Keep in mind the Bhava lord and the Planet/s posited in that Bhava as you go through the above steps. For example, in 6th house (Bhava) from the Aarooda Lagna is Taurus and there is transit Jupiter posited there and transit Mars is transiting in Aries, then you need to keep track of Mars’s transit to Taurus which most often triggers the house in question.

8.    To summarize, in a way, you have to fully understand the transit of Venus, Jupiter and Mars cited in the example to analyze the past (5th Bhava that is Gemini) and future (9th Bhava Capricorn).

9.    You should have a comprehensive visualization of the entire Prashna Kundali, the house lord and the Planet/s posited there and the further transits of those planets in totality.

10. You will need tremendous concentration to comprehend the entire question of job in one go and then think all the possibilities of the ensuing transits holistically to answer the question.

11. Practice makes perfect!


12. To achieve concentration, it is essential that one practices meditation regularly and punctually everyday as a routine without fail or excuse and mind has to get purified every passing day to attract Divine grace to get the accurate Aarooda Lagna by shuffling the cowries.

The Amazing Vedic Prashna Kundali Highlights! You will get answers where the Prashna Kundali findings and the Divisional Chart findings are in tandem, most often. Nevertheless, Prashna Kundai overrides even the natal chart analysis!

  1. You can take any question about any individual with out his birth details and answer them in the most accurate manner.
  2. If you have the birth details, you can cast the birth chart for reference to understand the Dasha, Bhukti and Antara. You can note the position of Rahu and Ketu as well to explore if the individual is undergoing nodal returns or reverse nodal return.
  3. Prahsna Kundali is a summary of all Divisional Charts in one go!
  4. Just to motivate you to learn Prashna Kundali, let me share with you that I normally verify my findings thru Prashna Kundali with the relevant Divisional Charts and the observation is amazing.
  5. It is imperative that we are not supposed to resort to any kind of commercial gimmicks in terms trying to answer questions with an intent to harm anybody

The best way to learn Vedic Prashna is to fix up consultation
appointment with me when you have genuine question about yourself or anyone
else known to you and I will explain the points in real-time online (over
telephone) so that you get a hang of it in the proper perspective.

Astrologer k jagadish

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