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Why Enlighten Astro

What is the purpose of this Website:

To put Astrology in proper perspective keeping away from superstitions, myths and traditional beliefs and guide people to take practical advantage in line with the Zodiac’s Spiritual message.

  • Clarify doubts about socially popular common words like planetary friendship and emeries and host of words and terminologies haunting the Society.
  • To categorically and specifically mention that the nucleus of human life is pivoted on the Doctrine of Karma the message of which is already existing in the Architecture of the Zodiac. Example – Did any of us choose our parents? OR did parents choose us?
  • Help people to face destiny willingly and smilingly by proper interpretation of Planets and guide people by estimating the probabilities and possibilities which is nothing but predictions.

  • Extract the Spiritual Message from the Zodiac and share with people such that we do what the Creator wants us to do.

K. Jagdish


What is the unique method here to help get over your anxieties and tensions?

  • In addition to your birth chart analysis, a dedicated Vedic Prahsna Kundali is cast for each and every question that you ask.
  • What is Vedic Prashna Kundali?
    A very ancient method of casting an instantaneous chart where the position of every planet at the time of asking question is accurate.
    Deriving the Aarooda Lagna is divine and only people who are on a strict Spiritual path will get it.
  • Any question can be answered in Vedic Prashna
  • Simultaneous analysis of the same Bhava for the question can be compared taking different Bhavas into account and then answer the question.
  • Current transit of planets, the past and the future will come out harmoniously meaning the answer that you get.

Benefits of Enlighten Astro

How you will be benefited here from Astrology
  • Get light on uncertainties bothering you.
  • Get clarity and insight into your concerns.
  • Get actionable suggestions and guidance.
  • 100% Divine perspectives.
  • Zero cost remedies


Get The Best Astrology Consultation

The right advice starts with a trusted relationship.

Duration of Consultation

  • At Enlighten Astro there is no need to share the background of any question. Shoot a direct pointed question and you will get an answer with details wherever and whenever required.
  • Listening to the background has no impact on predicting the future and it unnecessarily wastes time and has no Astrological bearing. To derive psychological satisfaction why should you waste time and money?
  • You can shoot questions one after the other within the duration chosen by you.
  • Apply your mind logically and note down the sharp questions before fixing consultation appointment to get sharp answers that you are seeking to move on in life.
  • Lot can be done in a short duration!