Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

The myth of exit polls….. (Demo)

After watching TV channels I am compelled to resort to take shelter under Astrology by doing a Prasna.

Prasna done at 2150 hrs at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

Astrological observations:

  • The second house in Astrology is normally analysed for speech/truth. I find retrograde Saturn along with Rahu (Vargottama since 0824 hrs on May 11, 2014). Rahu is thus very powerful and the sign in which Rahu is deposited is that of Venus. Venus is exalted and therefore there is no wonder to please themselves for the time being.
  • Moon the lord of the 11th house of friends entered Libra around 1950 hrs and hence it is also engulfed by the influence of Rahu, a planet normally considered for all unscrupulous (of course, contextually) deals and utterances. Moon represents large audience as well.
  • In the Arooda Lagna itself I find retrograde Mars.
  • The fourth house is under the sway of Jupiter, retrograde Mars’s 4th aspect, retrograde Saturn’s 3rd aspect which means far away from truth.
  • The 12th lord Sun is now posited in the 8th house which is good right now. But Sun moves to Taurus on the 15th morning and counting of votes is on the 16th. That is on the 16th the 9th Bhava of future is dominated by the 12th lord Sun along with Arooda Lagna lord viz., Mercury.


  • Starting 15th morning, truth will start coming out. I am aware counting begins on the 16th morning.
  • May 20th Mars turns direct in the morning but will be almost stationary till the 23rd. On the 23rd, Mercury moves to Gemini and joins the Badaka (for this Arooda). It means by the 23rd May, we will know who is what as far as Government formation is concerned.
  • For the Arooda I got, the 5th lord retro Saturn and the 8th lord retro Mars aspecting the 8th house now and getting direct on the 20th (and stationary for couple of days) means total revision of all plans.
  • Falsehood will prevail for little time and starting right on the 15th, media will be compelled to come out with truth, not that they like it, but with no option.
  • AAP will surely do well as already estimated in all my earlier posts but rumors, mischievous statements and so on, will do its rounds.

Let us watch out how far Astrology holds good in estimation in comparison to professional surveys and hype.

AAP need not worry and, I stand by what I have been writing all along, and am sure that by the grace of God, every punctuation mark in the posts will be nothing but TRUTH in absolute terms.

 K Jagadish