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Jupiter’s ingress into Leo on July 14, 2015 (Demo)

Indefensible evidence of the wrong doings of political community in India since decades and, more so after Jupiter entered its exalted sign of Cancer on June 19, 2014 will now be out before Jupiter’s transit on July 14, 2015. Well, it is not the TV news in the last few weeks is not what I am relying upon at all. Your attention may please be drawn to my post captioned “Jupiter will hammer the last nail on the coffin” dated February 8, 2015 and here is a direct link to that post for your convenience:

I am sure that the Supreme Court of India will be seized of the matter on July 9 about the recent scams/frauds and the worst, death of so many people who were innocent and got caught up with the whirlwind of absolute “TRUTH”. The reward for divine truth has been merciless death. May be, of course, some individuals might have been financially benefited and, the ill-gotten money itself must have been the death trap. If this is once scam, nevertheless, many other scams which came to surface in the recent past are surely in the back-burner. Those scams will surely raise its head again for a final logical end taking a very heavy toll on the present Government at the Center and as well in other States as well in India.

July 14, 2015 will be surely a ‘Century Mark’ date and, of course, right through Jupiter’s sojourn in Leo, the 5th sign of the Zodiac owned by none other than the King of the Planetary Kingdom, Sun. Sun depicts Political Power as well apart from Government. In fact, on July 13, 2015 Uranus in Pisces in transit will be square transit Sun in Gemini along with Mars and Mercury tightly conjunct with each other. Incidentally, going by the natal chart position of Uranus in some of the political leaders in India who matter at this point in time, does not sound good Astrologically and, are extremely prone to sudden and most unexpected developments.

Apart from what has been said above, the stay of Jupiter in Leo till August 11, 2016 will surely be an action packed hectic time for the Government. Fiery Jupiter in a fiery sign will receive the 10th aspect of Saturn from the 8th sign of the Zodiac viz., Scorpio. Saturn of course, will turn direct on August 2 and is likely to put the calendar back to period of ‘Dharma’, contextually.

The posts in this Blog may look like following the News channels on the face of it, while the fact remains that what was written in the year 2014 even when the so called ‘Achhe din’ (good days) was in progress, is now a reality as an astrological signature to what all was posted earlier. Thus, one can easily rule out any ‘guess’ whatsoever.

Satyamev Jayathe!!!!!

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, India.
July 8, 2015