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Enlighten Mind Posts

Author: Enlighten Mind

Mind Box Parachute!

Parachute functions only when open. Open the parachute of your Mind Box. Come on, speak out and get relief! Mind is a chatter box inviting thoughts, both good and bad, for and against, best to the worst, round the clock. It never sleeps and it wrecks the human body when it thinks of ‘the worst’ […]

Saturn in Sagittarius – a virtual walkthrough!

Introduction The subject matter necessitates to be taken up in three parts as under. Saturn moves to Sagittarius on January 26 around 1801 hrs IST and hence this article; Part 1 The basic or fundamental nature and characteristics of the planet, the Zodiac sign where it is posited before moving to the next sign and […]

7th Amsa of exalted Mars in Capricorn

Much before the 2014 general elections in India and even after the elections were over, I have posted several articles based on the Indian Independence chart and as well through Prasna. The essence of these articles clearly indicated a situation of instability. We did observe many incidences of such gravity repeatedly while the current one […]

Jupiter enters Virgo soon (Demo)

Jupiter after being under the influence of Saturn’s 10th aspect in the 5th sign of the Zodiac viz., Leo will enter Virgo on August 11, 2016. Much better way of comprehending its sojourn in Leo is as under: Jupiter, the 9th and 12th lord of the Zodiac transiting in the 5th sign of the Zodiac […]

Excel in Life through 4D (Demo)

I am pleased to announce that I have authored another book :Excel In Life through 4D … A New Lease Of Life from Today!”. You can please visit the page by clicking on the following link: The excerpts from the book are given there. The concept of Time has been dealt with from different […]

My Books online now (Demo)

My books titled “95%+ SUCCESS A Guide to Mind Building” and “Fasten your Mind to Excel … an insight into Mind Lab” are now available at six sites and another five is in the offing soon. Here are the links and by clicking on that you can right away hit the page that pertains to […]