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Enlighten Mind Posts

Author: Enlighten Mind

Success & Human Mind Tweaked (Demo)

I can now mention that I was on a sabbatical from Astrology for quite some time and may be the esteemed readers of this blog must have been wondering whether the planets have become stationary! I am happy to announce that I was authoring two books namely – 1. 95%+ SUCCESS – A Guide to […]

Today Mars excites Five planets in Aquarius (Demo)

Venus enters Aquarius by 2054 hrs IST today to conjoin transit Sun, Mercury, Ketu and of course Moon and receives the 4th aspect of Mars from its own house (the 8th sign of the Zodiac) where transit Saturn is also posited. Although the sign Aquarius is aspected by retrograde Jupiter conjunct Rahu in Leo while […]

Expect more from Mars now in 2nd amsa of Scorpio (Demo)

Further to my last post “The Prowess of Mars” posted on February 17, 2016, I believe that the readers agree with me about many unfavourable developments in Indian politics that have taken place since then. Today at 1515 hrs IST Mars moved to second amsa of Scorpio. To recapitulate what has already been mentioned in […]

The Prowess of Mars (Demo)

Without an iota of involvement, directly or indirectly or even remotely, one cannot even lift a straw on this planet earth! Mars as we all know is a planet closest to earth. With reference to human body Mars is supposed to depict the complete neurological system apart from blood etc. The entire body is completely […]

Why is Rahu ever retrograde? Spiritual perspectives! (Demo)

Oh, Rahu! Astrologers are waiting to unleash horror, all along. A highly biased, immature and agonizing characteristics of portraying Rahu in the worst possible light, astrologically. Yes, to an extent they may be right, out of practical experience. Well, one will have to be contended with their reasoning from a democratic perspective. What is that […]

Expect plenty of fireworks from Mars (Demo)

I hope my post captioned “Abruptness and 5th/ 8th bhava relationship” dated November 25 was an advance Astrological signature for the political developments what we witnessed in India which is rattling the ruling party. Apart from politics, there were a number of fire accidents, plane crash, rain havoc and railway derailments. Mars moves to Libra […]

Abruptness and 5th/ 8th bhava relationship (Demo)

While delineating any natal chart or even in Prasna Shasthra, harmonious and very tight relationship between the lords of 5th and 8th or the planets posited in these signs by aspects or asterism may lead to sudden and unexpected developments, generally. The events thus emanating from such combination can be good or bad depending upon […]

Transit effects interpretation (Demo)

My take on the interpretation of transit effects of planets is quite different as I feel. We normally think of the current position of planets and try to draw inferences. Although it is right, perhaps in my opinion, may be way beyond others point of view, I would like to go one step before and […]

Link to my Video Presentations (Demo)

The nucleus of Astrology is Spirituality. Therefore, any thing that we discuss in Astrology has deep roots in Spirituality and epicenter of Astrology is the doctrine of Karma. I have given links of a recent presentations including a talk delivered in Orlando, US. Apart from these two presentations, a phone-in live Prasna Shasthra programme in […]

Attention members in US (Demo)

Dear friends, I will be in Sunnyvale, CA between October 7 and 14. Esteemed members in US who may wish to contact me may please fill up the contact form and get in touch with me and I will be happy to meet/talk/discuss on Astrology, spirituality and meditation. This is just for information. K Jagadish, […]