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Enlighten Mind Posts

Author: Enlighten Mind

Mars entry into Leo on September 15 (Demo)

Jupiter’s transit to Leo on July 14, 2015 although significant is yet to deliver good results. Though Jupiter was in its exalted sign of Cancer earlier, it was in a Badhaka Rasi from Saturn in Scorpio. Notwithstanding this point, my take is that, Jupiter by virtue of its powerful 5th aspect on Saturn has indeed […]

Saturn turned direct today (Demo)

Saturn turned direct just this morning thus gaining strength to take forward all its intrinsic portfolios. As far as Indian politics is concerned, I hope esteemed readers would probably agree with me that many political events were foretold and some could just touching the outer periphery in terms of time frame and impact. The bickering […]

Transit of Jupiter to Leo (Demo)

Although Jupiter moved to Leo on July 14, 2015, Leo being a fixed sign (sthira rasi) the first amsa corresponds to Aries which is a badhaka rasi for planet/s in Leo. Thus Jupiter could not do much except it set the ground for the political turbulence that India is in now. Further, the impact of […]

Jupiter’s ingress into Leo on July 14, 2015 (Demo)

Indefensible evidence of the wrong doings of political community in India since decades and, more so after Jupiter entered its exalted sign of Cancer on June 19, 2014 will now be out before Jupiter’s transit on July 14, 2015. Well, it is not the TV news in the last few weeks is not what I […]

The last bullet of Jupiter! (Demo)

Exalted Jupiter’s sojourn in Cancer, specifically in 8th amsa from June 6, 2015 is ending on June 26, 2015 1637 hrs IST when it moves to 9th amsa its own sign of Pisces, a watery sign. Although 8th amsa transit of Jupiter ought to have shown what really Jupiter stands for, it could not do […]

Look at the speed of Mars! (Demo)

Please recapitulate my post of June 15, 2015 captioned “Mars was suppressed by Retrograde Saturn in Taurus”. Within hours after Mars escaped retrograde Saturn’s aspect, it has its intrinsic strength of aggression. A quick flash back of my postings since general election of 2014 which took place when Saturn was retrograde along with Rahu was […]

Jupiter has turned direct just now! (Demo)

Jupiter has turned direct just now and Mars in Aries 4th amsa is bound to support exalted Jupiter. Further, Jupiter though absolutely stationary (apparently) just now will be on a fast track almost in a few hours. Its 5th aspect on retrograde Saturn in Scorpio transiting in 4th amsa corresponding to its exalted sign Libra […]

Mars in action! (Demo)

In continuation of my many posts on Mars ingress into Aries just on March 23 at 2200 hrs IST, the time that I have been eagerly looking forward since 2014, action has begun at supersonic speed in Indian politics. I must add here that there is a lot more elbow space now, to write about […]