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Mars was suppressed by Retrograde Saturn in Taurus (Demo)

Nostradamus had a unique way of predicting although predictions did vary. The Astrologers have a lot to learn from his method and by default, I am one of the luckiest to be on that path!

Mars entered Taurus on May 3, 2015 and since then it is under the sway of retrograde Saturn in the 8th sign of the Zodiac. Exalted Jupiter in Cancer, a watery sign, aspecting Scorpio the 8th sign, also a watery sign with the 5th aspect and also aspecting the 12th sign of the Zodiac with the 9th aspect again a watery sign – obviously yielded results equivalent to putting off the fire. In the Indian political scenario, it is precisely what we have observed till now. June 16, 2015, Mars will move to Gemini a dual sign and aspecting two more dual signs viz., Virgo and Sagittarius with the 4th and 7th aspect while with the special 8th aspect will aspect Capricorn. The resultant effect of Mars transiting into Gemini on June 16 at 0048 hrs IST indicates that both Jupiter and Mars will bombard the 10th sign of the Zodiac viz., Capricorn which is also aspected by retrograde Saturn. Thus, Saturn will apparently become weak in its influence as far as democracy is concerned. It is also worth noting that Sun is moving to Gemini on June 15 at 1703 hrs IST which should also mean Sun getting better off than in Taurus since a month. The Government may fail to contain the ‘stink’ within any longer.

June 26, 2015, Jupiter will move to the 9th amsa of Cancer viz., Pisces, the own sign of Jupiter. Therefore, between June 16 and June 26, one can expect quite a lot of fresh controversies in the political arena.

Jupiter will ingress into Leo a fiery sign and, aspect with the 5th aspect another fiery and own sign Sagittarius, and yet with the 9th aspect it will aspect Aries another fiery sign which should really mark the beginning of something totally new circumstances.

Jupiter being the lord of 9th sign and 12th sign of the Zodiac has immense capability to set fire and as well extinguish fire. Ever since Jupiter entered Cancer on June 19, 2014 it had immense capability to extinguish fire and the same Jupiter will exactly do the other way once it gets into Leo on July 15.

I am compelled to add in this context that, no matter how high and big we are, the planets are all the time above us and, will always deliver the results of our own past Karmas, very judiciously. Out intelligence and clever and cunning strategies will surely boomerang.

Let DHARMA prevail!

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, India.
June 15, 2015.