Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

Look at the speed of Mars! (Demo)

Please recapitulate my post of June 15, 2015 captioned “Mars was suppressed by Retrograde Saturn in Taurus”. Within hours after Mars escaped retrograde Saturn’s aspect, it has its intrinsic strength of aggression. A quick flash back of my postings since general election of 2014 which took place when Saturn was retrograde along with Rahu was together in Libra while even Mars was then retrograde shall never be stable. Even in yesterday’s post I have clearly mentioned that The Government may fail to contain the ‘stink’ within any longer”.

The further stink is already out today with the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Scindia’s involvement in Lalit Modi IPL scandal.

Now exalted Jupiter in Cancer is transiting in 8th amsa and is bound to act decisively and on June 26, 2015 it will move to the 9th amsa when we will have a glimpse of what is in store for the Government when Jupiter enters the fiery sign Leo and aspecting other fiery signs with its special aspects.

I would also like to draw the attention of our esteemed readers that my repeated take on exalted Jupiter’s 5th aspect on Saturn in the 8th sign of the Zodiac should pave the way for DHARMA to prevail in its own way, of course, contextually.

Satyameva Jayathe!

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, India.
June 16, 2015.