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Mars in 8th amsa (Demo)

Mars transiting in Libra will hit the 8th amsa around 1330 hrs IST. Saturn also transiting in Libra is already in the 8th amsa since August 20. Thus, both Saturn and Mars in Navamsa have occupied Taurus, the Lagna or Ascendant of Indian Independence chart.

The 8th amsa for any planet will always mean termination of some events related to specific bhava and the portfolio of that planet applicable to individual chart. The nature and characteristics of the impact depends on a number of issues like the dasa, bhukti and antra, natal placement of planets etc.

As far as India is concerned, Saturn and Mars have now become very powerful and conjunction of these two planets specifically in Libra, the exalted sign of Saturn is not a welcome sign. More so when even in Navamsa they are conjoined. With this transit, perhaps, the Government is more likely to be under further attack from several corners and a point worth considering is the activism of the judiciary. Probably, many judgments from Courts may go against the Government. Further, there could be escalation of territorial border related tensions apart from chances of internal violence and use of force in the public domain.

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, India.
August 25, 2014.