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The last bullet of Jupiter! (Demo)

Exalted Jupiter’s sojourn in Cancer, specifically in 8th amsa from June 6, 2015 is ending on June 26, 2015 1637 hrs IST when it moves to 9th amsa its own sign of Pisces, a watery sign. Although 8th amsa transit of Jupiter ought to have shown what really Jupiter stands for, it could not do much except that it did package many issues. This is mainly because of Mars in Taurus was ineffective since it was under the sway of retrograde Saturn and once it entered Gemini on June 16 at 0028 hrs IST it gained its own intrinsic qualities of aggression. Precisely on June 16, 2015, a Sunday, Times Now, a National News TV channel in India exposed ‘LalitGate’ which is now proving to be a final bullet of Jupiter for Government of India!

Mars truly a planet of unthinkable energy has shot out a series of scandal to the surface and the political fire has spread very deep at lightning speed. Few more scandals have thus come to surface.

Jupiter which will be transiting in 9th amsa of Cancer from June 16 as mentioned above already is sure to replenish its armory, even more with high intensity ones since it moves to Leo, a fiery sign on July 14 and, while being there it will aspect other fiery signs viz., Sagittarius and Aries, the 9th and 1st sign of the Zodiac with its special aspect of 5 and 9. It is worth noting that the 9th sign of the Zodiac will be aspected by 5th aspect and the 1st sign of the Zodiac with the 9th aspect. It goes without saying that, the numerals certainly inherently carries the respective ‘Bhavas’ holistically (like 5 stands for past and 9 stands for future).

In the context of Jupiter’s ingress into Leo on July 14, it is worthwhile mentioning that it will receive the 10th aspect of retrograde Saturn, of course, retrograde till August 2. It is also exciting to note that Saturn turned retrograde in the 8th sign of the Zodiac viz., Scorpio on March 14 when it was transiting in 4th amsa corresponding to Libra, an exalted sign of Saturn. When Jupiter, the lord of 9th and 12th sign of the Zodiac enters the 5th sign of the Zodiac, Leo on July 14, Saturn will be in Leo in Navamsa, moving back 3 amsas since it became retrograde. Integrating all these critical transits from now on, I feel that between June 26 and August 2 when Saturn gets direct, politics in India is very likely to witness a major overhaul of sorts, re-alignment of various political parties and, even further it might even have to prepare for yet another election. I must add here that this write up is certainly not a comprehensive delineation of the Indian Independence chart while I still hold on to my take on the Astrological ambiance of 2014 election.

Dharma has to prevail and in the ensuing Moon dasa of India, perhaps it looks inevitable to see a lot of youngsters in the national politics.

Satyamev Jayate!!!!!

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, India.
June 25, 2015l.