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Thumb nail of transit of planets before Saturn turns retrograde-Part 4 (Demo)

In continuation of the subject, 3 parts have already been published and the last one on March 2, 2015 referring to Mars transit in Navamsa. This is the final part under this heading since Saturn will turn retrograde soon to demonstrate what is its say for Indian politics.

Mars enters the 7th amsa, its exalted amsa on March 10, 2015 at 1506 hrs IST (as per Bangalore coordinates). It will roll over Saturn and Venus in Navamsa of Indian Independence Chart, while retrograde exalted Jupiter will enter back 6th amsa of Cancer on March 9, 2015 at 0242 hrs IST and conjoin natal Mars in Navamsa. This amsa of retrograde Jupiter is quite critical since it is its own sign and as well the 9th sign of the Zodiac depicting ‘future’. Jupiter gets direct on April 8 when it is conjunct (in Navamsa chart of India) Mars the lord of the first and eighth sign of the Zodiac. Please stay tuned to TV channels and look out for a lot of political explosions starting right in the morning of March 9. I expect the political parties to be like a chameleon changing its colour every time it is hit by someone.

Man proposes God disposes is a famous proverb that we are all aware. Quite a few practical examples are anyone’s experience but only after events are over. But, through Astrology, the thrill exists in knowing it in advance! I feel that this is a festival of Astrology and let’s see how my other caption, the last part “The Indian Political Debris and the Great Secrets of Astrology” not only gets the readers’ attention but it comes true by God’s grace!

As normal human beings we are sure to have tremendous faith and confidence in what we see, touch and feel – all that physically while the most important events take place which will catch us totally unaware and the impossible becomes possible and vice versa. Our physical strength, money power, political power and all that we can think of can be a total illusion all at once due to the transit of planets and specifically Mars, the trigger. Mars is always trigger happy and more so when Jupiter is exalted and retrograde while Saturn has already become slow since it is turning retrograde on March 14.

Planetary ambiance described above suggests that the whole political scenario is so volatile irrespective of party and there is no wonder that many things will be topsy-turvy, all at once. There is a strong possibility that many political calculations and strategies of high and mighty will go completely haywire and they will gasp for breath. Saturn while it depicts democracy in the normal motion will now act as a planet of divisive politics as well, when it turns retrograde.

Perhaps the time has come for us to witness the Chemistry of planets and the fireworks that it creates may be spectacular very soon.

This creation of world ‘Pinda’ is under the complete control of the Astral world ‘Anda’ and that in turn it is under the control of ‘Brahamanda’ whilst we are least bothered about these points and in total ignorance we conclude ourselves as super intelligent.

K Jagadish,

Bangalore, India.

March 7, 2015.