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How to Fix an Appointment

Election: Comment from a reader (Demo)

While Posting “Planets this week” I forgot to mention that even Venus moves on to Aries on the 23rd May. Putting all the facts together, we have already started witnessing the effect of Mars which got direct today(20th May)  morning. Perhaps it will take little more time to know how far what has been mentioned in this blog will come true.

Further a comment from a reader of this blog with a hyper link is given below for your information. I have also given the link of earlier Post in the blog so that you can easily recapitulate and read it with ease:

Astrological Signature of Poll Rigging/frauds of all types


Sir, Is this murder of democracy? Let truth prevail…..Link below is the story of EVM rigging…
http://hindi . kohram . in/question-mark-on-evms/

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K Jagadish