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Flash back of Independent India – Astrological perspectives. (Demo)

politicalmapofindia.htm_txt_map_indiaArvind Kejriwal

It does not require a detailed Astrological analysis of Indian Independence chart to know where we are and what we are today.  A mere glance of the Vimsottari Dasa will suffice as bench mark of qualitative analysis of governance and accountability and how the democratic values evaporated in the last couple of decades specifically from September, 1989 to September, 2009 which was Venus dasa. Veuns is represented by dubious Rahu signifying corruption to the core. Problems of coalition Government began in Venus-Mars-Ketu period. That is when transit Saturn in Pisces was opposed by Rahu in Virgo during May, 1996. The seeds of hatred, corruption and loot the symptoms of which were there earlier but in small proportions became a big tree to engulf power.

Sun dasa started from September, 2009 and will last till September, 2015. The worst period is Sun dasa where it is the case of ‘free for all’. However, the last 14 to 15 months hopefully starting 14th July, 2014 till September, 2015, India will get transformed into real democracy and obviously there will be huge turmoil of all sorts. Litigation may galore from the 19th of June, 2014 itself bringing the guilty to justice.

Moon dasa from September, 2015 to September 2025 will surely be a golden period and that is when the citizens of this great country can get the benefits of democratic form of Government. Let us hope and pray God!

K Jagadish,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India dated the 1st May, 2014.