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Honesty Vs corruption

Honesty Vs corruption

It is God who has to prove the caption right. I am sure that as normal human beings seeking truth and justice, obviously it looks that our ship is sinking. No, the ship of truth and justice will never sink but is all the time prone to getting into turbulent weather. There we are.

It is possible that most of us, including this author, is certainly highly uncomfortable with ground zero issues. I feel that we have to caution ourselves for more and more patience. I strongly believe that God will always uphold truth, but, in HIS own method and style and it is bound to be mysterious and confusing and, testing our ability to hold on to our own integrity even under worst situations.

The ensuing transit of planets mainly Jupiter and Saturn and of course, we have to embed the influence of Mars, always, certainly promises good things for the country. However, in the meantime, it is obvious that a great majority of people will decidedly catch hold of the winning horse until the horse stops moving any further. This time is fast approaching.

The transit of Jupiter to its exalted sign Cancer (4th sign of the Zodiac) happens on the 19th June and its 5th aspect on the 8th sign of the Zodiac and the 7th aspect on the 10th sign of the Zodiac and its 9th aspect on the 12th sign of the Zodiac, which is its own sign. Normally, whenever we come across ‘5’ and ‘8’ there will be suddenness of events and could be termed as ‘luck’ as well depending upon various other factors. Let us wait for June 19th. Further, Rahu will be moving to Virgo on the 13th July. This is also highly significant and will be conjoining transit Mars for a little while. Possibly it might be an explosive situation since retrograde Mars while in Libra with Rahu and retro Saturn got incubated with cosmic influence will now be shedding the negative influence while in direct mode.

Saturn which is the causative planet depicting democracy, moves to the 8th sign of the Zodiac on the 2nd November, should be a ‘festival season’ Astrologically! From there it aspects its own 10th sign of the Zodiac with the 3rd aspect (meaning ‘distance’) and with the 7th aspect it aspects Taurus, the Ascendant sign of India and the 10th aspect falls on the 5th sign of the Zodiac which is owned by Sun, the causative planet depicting Government.

From the statements above, in an attempt to summarise in generic terms and integrating the effects of ensuing transit of Jupiter and Saturn, the following signs will be under the excitation of both Jupiter and Saturn upholding truth/justice and dharma respectively:

  • The 3rd sign of Indian Independence chart (which corresponds to the 4th sign of the Zodiac),
  • The 7th sign of India (i.e., 8th sign of the Zodiac),
  • The 9th sign of India (i.e.,10th sign of the Zodiac),
  • The 11th house of gain for India (i.e., the 12th sign of the Zodiac),
  • The 12th sign of the Zodiac is also as unique as the 1st sign and it has its inherent potential of a sense of relief, retirement and solutions,
  • The 1st house of India (i.e., the 2nd sign of the Zodiac),
  • The 4th house of India (i.e., the 5th sign of the Zodiac).

– The above signs will be under excitation of Jupiter/Saturn.

Let me add here that Saturn takes approximately 30 years to come to the same sign i.e., one round. We can try to recall our memory, by and large, the scenario then generally but subject to transit of Jupiter.


Whatever efforts that is being put forth by Arvind Kejriwal and team will yield desired results, but we need to wait a bit patiently. The wrong doers may not come up again at least for the next 30 years, of course, speaking in isolation of the Dasa-Bhukti-Antra of India and the time has indeed come for the corrupt to find their right place. God will show them the right place.

K Jagadish