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Sade Sathi (Demo)

What is Sade Sathi

 Sade Sathi is a period of seven and a half years. In the context of Astrology, this period is referred to movement of Saturn in the Zodiac with respect to Moon in the birth chart.

Saturn takes approximately 30 years to complete one cycle in the Zodiac. To give an example, Saturn entered Aries on the 17th April, 1998. On the 3rd June 2027, Saturn again will be Aries. This is one cycle of Saturn.

What is the meaning of the period of seven and a half years within the approximate 30 years explained above?

This is a personal issue of each individual depending upon where was Moon at birth? For example, let us say Moon was in Taurus at birth. Obviously, the Moon sign of that person is Taurus. Then the period of seven and a half years has begun on the 17th April, 1998 and ending on the 26th May, 2005.

Thus the word Sade Sathi, viz., when Saturn transits one sign behind, on the Moon sign and the one next to the Moon sign is typically meaning seven and a half years period. Saturn normally stays in one sign for approximately about two and half years.

Which Moon sign natives who may not be much affected normally due to Sade Sathi?

Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Who will be affected by Sade Sathi?

The wrong doers will be surely punished while it may have marginal impact on good people. Saturn being the causative planet of Dharma, it will surely do its best to sincerely discharge its duties. Thus, to scare every one uniformly is the worst side of making generalized statements on Sade Sathi and terrorise the innocent public through media.

What are the other considerations in judging the effects of Sade Sathi?

  1. Where is Saturn posited in the natal chart (birth chart)?
  2. What is the Dasha, Bhukthi and Antara the native is running during Sade Sathi?
  3. Which Bhavas are aspected by Saturn during Sade Sathi?
  4. Does Saturn receive the benefic aspect of the greatest benefactor Jupiter?

Apart from the points above, there are a gamut of other considerations in Astrology before anyone can comment on the ill-effects of Sade Sathi.

Saturn has been given a dubious distinction by the Astrological community, most often, out of context and with a very heavy bias as a dreaded planet.  If Saturn and likewise Rahu and Ketu which are amongst the planetary kingdom were undesirable as per Astrologers, how is it that we are conducting Navagraha Pooja before performing any auspicious functions? Do planets which are bad and harmful from the Astrological prediction perspective deserve to be worshipped? Were our yester year saints and sages imprudent on this issue or is it that our thought process is derailed due to our inability to grasp the impact of these planets?

A quick glance of prenatal epoch of child birth obviously and decidedly reveals that once a female conceives the countdown of child birth thus begins. Obviously, the transit of Sun is the measure of time. This implies that Sun normally transits in nine Zodiac signs which totals to nine months while the ideal gestation period is 9 months, 9 days and 9 hours. Therefore, Sun automatically transmits the relevant ‘Pancha Tatwas’ (five Tatwas – Ether, Air, water, fire and earth) of all the nine planets including that of Saturn and incubates them in the baby inside mother’s womb. Zodiac is an excellent template covering the entire universe with constellation of Asterism wonderfully laid out which repeats itself in three uniform quarters starting from Aries with Ashwini star up to Cancer ending in Ashlesha and again from Ketu star in Leo up to Scorpio ending with Jyesta and again from Sagittarius to Pisces. Therefore, the necessary condition for a child to be born is the Cosmic influence of all the nine planets and to continue life on earth, it is indeed imperative that we need the Cosmic energy of all the nine planets. On this premise, is it not prudent on our part not to classify any planet as bad for life. In total defiance of this factor, the word Sade Sathi seem to be the subject matter of Astrologers to scare the general public through media, particularly the Electronic media, in such strong language and terrorise them.

As in the case of Ascendant or Lagna, an arithmetical approach will give us an insight in to the above statements. Normally, there will be three (or even more than 3) Sade Sathis in the life of everyone with normal longevity. This amounts to 7.5 years X 3 times = 22.5 years. Is it that 22.5 years of our life has gone for a toss as if it is the worst part of life?

Therefore, from the above statistics which are realistic by any means, it is high time that we stop irrelevant and erratic interpretation of Sade Sathi.

What is certainly disastrous is the fact that, generalizing the effect of transits (movement of Planets) exclusively from the Moon sign perspective only, and pronouncing a ‘Universal Judgment’ airing views on possibilities and probabilities thus amounts to psychologically assassinating innocent viewers. At this point, let us recapitulate what has been stated on a gamut of issues about the Ascendant or Lagna.

In effect, when we delve into these points more, I think it is high time that we pump in good sense before further terrorizing the viewers who are already drowned in routine to eke out a livelihood. It is ironical that the subject of Astrology which probably is a gift of God to reduce mental tension and motivate, is exactly on the opposite direction, just to suit the convenience of creating a theme or content for TV channels. Astrology, a divine subject is in the hands of chosen few to harass the viewers instead of improving the morale of people to face life. Thus a gift of God has become a curse at the hands of chosen few.

To be continued in course of time ……………….