Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

Unique approach of Astrologer K Jagadish!

Birth Chart is a snap-shot of position of Planets at birth and it is static. It serves as a basic reference and can never be debated about.

Using the birth chart as the origin of life and of course the further movement of Planets, periodically, as per the Cosmic Law, the beauty of Astrology lies in interpreting the current situation in life and then predicting the future is the crux of the issue.

The world is transitory and dynamic. No two hours of anybody’s life is the same in terms of so many activities of human beings. Therefore, it is imperative that “Transit of Planets” have the final say in any context. This simply means “Present” is of utmost importance to comment/predict the future. Thus, it is a matter of applying Astrology to specific current situation.

This is done by “Horary Astrology” or “Vedic Prashna Kundali” prevailing since centuries! Through Vedic Prashna Kundali for specific question is the missile to hit the target of the querist. Here, the planets position is accurate as the question is being analyzed. This is the top most layer of the destiny of everyone and this is superimposed on the birth chart to dive deep into the question on hand for the Astrologer. In this case, many points peripheral to the main question comes out logically and the question can be answered from different perspectives.

Thus, the answer gets an umbrella of all round assurance and helps the questionnaire in multiple ways and it is comprehensive and holistic and benefits from every conceivable angle.

Astrologer K Jagadish has unique and unimpeachable record on this account.