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Zero Cost Spiritual Remedies – By Astrologer K Jagadish

This video is published in the interest of welfare of the society and if watched seriously and implemented is sure to help you in many ways. There is absolutely nothing commercial at all. Please do not skip and watch till the end of the video. Please do not get disappointed if you are unable to implement some points highlighted in this video and we have to take care not to offend anyone who disagree with the views expressed in this video. In fact, hurting anyone is a serious offence from Spiritual perspective and even from a mundane point of view also.

Zero-cost remedies:

This is a question that comes up every day in my Astrology practice.

All humans, no matter who they are and where they are, face challenges in life and sometimes repeatedly or continuously, at times. Thus, they get anxious to solve their problems or difficulties by resorting to some kind of a remedy or a quick-fix solution.

Well, that is a natural human instinct and nothing wrong about it.

I will share with you a few relevant points on this subject such that you can dive deep to estimate the viability in the context of Astrology.

Spirituality is the source of everything in our universe, and this is especially true in astrology.

What is Spirituality?

Permit me to express my opinions in a clear and concise manner.

Spirituality means different things to different people. For some, it’s primarily about a belief in God. For others, it’s about non-religious experiences that help them get in touch with their spiritual selves through quiet reflection, time in nature, private prayer, yoga, or meditation.

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. 

When we say God, whether we believe in the theory of reincarnation or not, the fact remains that the Doctrine of Karma – as you sow, so shall you reap is supreme. Thus, the life of each one of us is strictly as per this equation. This is Destiny fixed by the Creator.

Can the destiny be altered or changed?

It is impossible. But it is certainly possible to face the destiny in a manner which will give us strength and confidence through motivation and inspiration by Astrological Counselling and not by spending tons of money to find a “Quick-Fix” solution.

If such solutions could suffice, then this world would have been a paradise and no one would ever suffer at all.

After having mentioned the word Spirituality and God, let me make it abundantly clear that the very purpose of the Creator gifting us the human birth is to detoxify our mind. Mind is the greatest asset or liability and it depends upon how we deploy our mind.

Through the mystical science of Vedic Astrology, we can bring out the personality traits and decipher all parameters and the Astrologer can contribute substantially to improve “SELF” by analyzing Planetary positions.

This exercise is apart from prediction of future.

In fact, this is what will help people consulting an Astrologer more than predictions.

What are the Zero-cost remedies?

In this context, let me share with all of you certain very important and critical points to help everyone irrespective of caste, religion and belief and geographical location etc. It is a straight one-on-one communication without any biased motive.

It is not about just Spirituality and God but it is practical and well accepted Scientific, Medical and Psychiatrists opinion across the globe including the most advanced countries. It is not hear-say but practical and actionable viewpoints which can be adopted by all sections of the society in all countries.

  1. Food

Try your best to be Vegetarian instead of making this precious human body a grave yard for animals. Listen to what great achievers in the world have said:

“Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind.” –Albert Einstein”.

Yet another quotation –

Dr. Esselstyn is the heart disease expert who treated ex-president Bill Clinton in 2010 and has reversed countless people’s coronary artery issues ever since.

Dr. Esselstyn says –

“My message is clear and absolute: coronary artery disease need not exist, and if it does, it need not progress. It is my dream that one day we may entirely abolish heart disease, the scourge of the affluent, modern West, along with an impressive roster of other chronic illnesses.” – Dr. Esselstyn

  • Nearly 40 percent of Americans use some form of complementary and alternative medicine, according to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey. These practices include meditation, yoga, acupuncture and other types of mind-body-practices. And now, many are receiving the support of conventional doctors who have seen apparent benefits in some of their patients.

There are two links I have given in the description of this video which confirms all that I have presented in this video as to why should you adopt vegetarianism. No superstition of any religion based or otherwise is involved and it is absolutely scientific.

  • Living the longevity or life?

Mind Control

At the outset itself I have mentioned that human birth is a Gift of God. This gift is graciously given by the Creator with the sole purpose of detoxifying mind. Thus, it is imperative for us to refrain from alcohol etc., apart from leading a morally clean life. This has to be recognized and valued from the point of view of society also and even more from personal health as well. Therefore, it is essential to refrain from alcohol, narcotic drugs, cigarette etc.

Mind is the nucleus of our life and keeping the mind under controlled and disciplined is an absolute need. It is to help ourselves to accomplish our goals and live a contended life.

After shedding the undesirable habits or temptations, it is best that the mind is pulled towards concentration by meditation as described in point number 4 in this video, that is, practicing meditation.

  • Harmony in Thought-Word-Action

Did you know that human body has 7 trillion nerves?

Diving into the world of human biology reveals mind-blowing facts, such as the astounding estimate that over 7 trillion nerves reside in the human body!

The entire human body is totally wired up like a printed circuit board in an equipment! This amounts to the fact that the Creator has embedded a CCTV camera monitoring every thought, every word and every action that we do and thus the entire life is absolutely recorded. We are simply ignorant of this fact while the saints and mystics of all ages have mentioned this in their literature to help human beings.

One wrong thought which leads to a wrong word and, that leads to a wrong action and the game is over spoiling our life incurring the displeasure of many and accumulating bad Karma.

Obviously, it is best that the objective of any thought has to be scrutinized right at the first step before moving forward to avoid consequences. This should become a habit.

It is therefore preferable to avoid reacting hastily to significant thoughts. Instead, give them a few minutes, or even hours, to consider them carefully and objectively. Then, proceed in a way that ensures your actions have no unintended effects. Impulsive reactions are usually the source of the harm! As previously said, consistent mental training through meditation will help one develop the patience and stamina needed to separate the good from the bad!

  • Thank God!

When we receive help from someone in this world, we profusely thank them so much and get obliged. Should we not thank God for all that HE has given us. We may or will have reservations on this point which is the result of our own ignorance and keep complaining on so many points. We challenge God using our intellectual so-called wisdom and debate the “giving’s of God”. Be absolutely sure that “no one except God can give us 100% justice”. Except God or the Creator, we will never ever get justice in this world. We always over value or under value our efforts and come to wrong conclusions and let ourselves down.

The best way to thank God is not spending money or anything. It is simple. Sit in meditation every day in the early morning for at least 30 minutes focusing your attention at the Shiva Netra or the Third Eye. Mentally repeat any one name of your belief or choice. Don’t let the thoughts run away or think of anything except mentally repeating the name that you have chosen. Don’t expect anything in return, neither materialistic nor Spiritual. You will feel the difference over a period of time. Of course, the results will be slow but steady.

What benefits that you will eventually experience:

What are the benefits of Meditation?

  • The turbulent mind will start calming down.
  • Your hidden creative abilities will start getting activated.
  • Your attitude to life will help you accept your destiny and simultaneously promote your efforts and take you closer to the goal.
  • Your mental health will improve.
  • Your ability to decide between the right and wrong will improve. This means the discretion that you have will be channelized in the right direction.

What more you want?

  • Graphotherapy   

Please refer to the link in the description for details.

I am not saying that you need to resort to buying a cursive handwriting book. We have lost touch of writing with our pen and we keep using the laptop or desktop keyboard, unfortunately.

In handwriting there is a great advantage. It helps improve our handwriting for a presentable presentation and in the bargain, our ability to concentrate improves quite a bit. It reflects our discipline in writing by repetition. Incidentally, it reminds me to mention that our life is a repetition from many points of view. Our routine repeats each day, our habits repeat, out thinking process repeats. Should we not improve all of them? Then why not write at least a paragraph each day if not a page. After all it takes just a few minutes. Should we not spend a few minutes for our own Self?

Graphotherapy will help concentration and channelize our thoughts to achieve better degree of concentration.

Try these 5 Golden remedies without spending a penny and attract God’s grace FREE to improve your life and go through your destiny smilingly. You will be an asset to yourself, family, friends and the society.

I am K Jagadish, the founder of Enlighten Astro.

Best wishes!

K Jagadish,

Enlighten Astro,


WhatsApp: +91 72596 91375