Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

A Selfie with all of you!!!!! (Demo)

Thank you for patronizing this blog. I am sure that you will not only continue to go along with this blog but also refer your friends too and thus increase the readership. Of course, many points regarding Astrological analysis may be difficult for normal readers to follow since it is not their domain. However, many Astrology enthusiasts presumably are happy to receive my ‘out of the box’ and unconventional approach in Astrology.

I am happy to share with you the statistics of this blog as presented by WordPress at  just for your information. The most exciting accomplishment would not have been possible without your cooperation and encouragement. In such a case the blog might have been a sports stadium without audience. Therefore, I express my deep and heartfelt gratitude to all the readers.

I do admit that the ‘Prasna’ or horary Astrology which I did regarding the Indian politician in limelight Mr.Arvind Kejriwal has not gone well in terms of time frame and results as well. However it does not mean it is neither incorrect nor gone haywire. It has certainly overshot the runway and I am sure that eventually everything will fall in place by God’s grace.

Prasna Shasthra or Horary has indeed been my most favourite tool in Astrology and the experience of my clients across the globe and domestic as well, has been amazingly accurate and I would say it is almost ‘out of the world’ predictions. Nevertheless, the person/s actually involved in the subject on hand should be anxious to know the future, whereas, I had to do it on my own, for my own passion. Therefore, the results were not satisfactory. Prasna Shasthra, I feel is God’s gift to me. Soon, I will try to share some of the salient points on this with all of you.

Thanks again for your encouragement, inspiration and motivation by staying with this blog.

K Jagadish,

Bangalore, India.

January 13, 2014.