Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

Narendra Modi Timeline – Swearing-in Muhurat (Demo)

The subject event scheduled for 1800 hrs on May 26, 2014 as suggested by some Astrologers, I have my own take on tist. In Astrology time has to prove an Astrological estimate to become a prediction. Of course, it is always a billion dollar question to predict since there is no limitation of interpretations for a given planetary ambiance. However, at times, the writing on the Time line of the individual concerned is almost a certainty. Let us also note that a Muhurat alone cannot decide the future course of events. No one performs any function in a bad Muhurat and Muhurats fixed by Astrologers will always be good, but results as we know will vary widely. The subject on hand has become debatable since it primarily lacks accountability for rudimentary and critical points from the Astrological perspective. I know with great difficulty, the Astrologers have taken a decision of 6 PM on May 26, 2014. I find Sun in the 8th house from the Ascendant or Lagna and Lagna lord and 8th lord Venus in the 7th house conjunct Ketu. Usually, as an Astrological epicenter of future, 8th house has to be affliction free even from the aspects of other planets whilst I find Sun in the 8th house. Perhaps, this itself will divide the Astrology community while the fate will efficiently and faithfully discharge its duties. There will be a public debate on this subject, sooner than later. Facebook got already divided ‘for and against Modi’ and now it may be the turn of Astrologers and what next?


Many celebrities have Uranus in their 8th house. A couple of examples which I took for study is of that Benazir Bhutto and glanced some write up about Abraham Lincoln. There are any number of examples indeed in political field and also in the fields of Arts, Science and so on. In the case of Narendra Modi also, Uranus is in his 8th house viz., 15Ge58 and his natal Venus is at 15Le42 thus forming an excellent 3/11 relationship. So are we seeing him today as what he is at the moment and what was he till now. Venus is conjunct Saturn in his 10th house. Obviously, this factor alone is a glaring indication of promise of political power. Let me clarify that the above point alone will not suffice but compliments several other Astrological factors. Instead of being too technical which readers unfamiliar with Astrology may find it boring, I will reduce my statements to bullet points. Please note that I am not predicting anything for Narendra Modi while my mission is to be generally abreast of the subject of Astrology which I am sharing with readers:

  • I am repeatedly mentioning that the whole process of Election was announced and went on when Saturn and Mars got retrograde in the 7th sign of Zodiac and that too with Rahu, the planet of deception (contextually).
  • Mars got direct just on May 20th morning and so it has become the trigger for further events with respect to what went on during the period of retrogression.
  • Narendra Modi is Scorpio Ascendant and his Moon sign is also Scorpio and Mars is both the Lagna and 6th lord.
  • Mars retrograde throughout the period of his possible elevation and of course who will deny he is being sworn-in as the next Prime Minister. As soon as Mars got direct (20th May) and the same day he was unanimously elected as the leader of the Parliament. Let us underline the power of Mars.
  • Closely tracking the navigation of retrograde Mars with respect to Narendra Modi’s natal Uranus in the 8th house, I find that on May 8, 00:35:40 hrs IST, retrograde Mars in his 11th house of gain was exactly square to natal Uranus in the 8th house. Obviously, this is the precise time accurate to the second he gained his victory. All other reports and ground reality does not matter for Astrology. He started announcing that his party will cross simple majority mark. Who on earth can so confidently claim to that extent? Have Astrologers’ have played their role or any other factor, God only knows.
  • The very same Mars now direct will traverse at the same longitude of his natal Uranus on June 1, 23:16:05 hrs when it squares retrograde Pluto in Sagittarius and opposes transit Uranus in Pisces.
  • Jupiter moves to the 9th amsa at 22:23 hrs on June 2. Rahu proxies Jupiter in the Janma Kundli of Narendra Modi and transit Mars comes to the close orbit of transit Rahu in the opposite direction since Mars is now direct.
  • He is running the period of Moon-Rahu-Venus-Jupiter. He is running the Dasa of Badhkadipati Moon and the sub-period of his 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter (represented by Rahu as well) and Venus his 7th and 12th lord.
  • Venus enters Taurus on June 18, at 17:27:37 hrs and Sun would have by then moved to his 8th house and conjunct retrograde Mercury and Jupiter.

When the whole country and probably the world is upbeat about Narendra Modi’s elevation along with all of us, the subject of Astrology does not speak good or supplement the views generally felt, accepted and ambitious of. Only time will prove and may be there can be very good points in favour of the country.

Let us hope for the best and everything that is for the prosperity of India.

K Jagadish