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Success & Human Mind Tweaked (Demo)

I can now mention that I was on a sabbatical from Astrology for quite some time and may be the esteemed readers of this blog must have been wondering whether the planets have become stationary!

I am happy to announce that I was authoring two books namely –
1. 95%+ SUCCESS – A Guide to MIND BUILDING

Here are direct web links to get glimpses of what the books are about:

The first book clearly explains the role of the mind in our life and how to control it apart from distinguishing Mind from Brain. Mind is a term used every now and then but probably we would not have taken a serious note of many critical factors of the process of its functioning and thus loose out valuable time.
Strength and weakness although exactly opposite poles, we recognize by mere opposition of each other in meaning, context and effects. However, rarely we realize the fact that, being aware of weakness is the beginning of increasing the strength! I have endeavored to state up-front, the universal weakness of human mind. Therefore, the books are pregnant with meaning and thus reflects the ‘Universal Truth’. Of course, the basic tenets of Spirituality have been touched upon at its horizon and anything Universal is non-religious and simply put ‘We are all on the path of God’s own religion’.

The second book viz., ‘Fasten your Mind to Excel’ will be of immense use specifically to students and teachers but nevertheless parents have to interface themselves in the interest of their own children.
The books will be available for dispatch against order in a week’s time but however, the shipment cost is being looked into. In due course, it will be available at all leading on-line stores also.

I request our esteemed readers to patronage the books and spread the message as much as possible.

K Jagadish,
Bangalore, INDIA.
June 19, 2016