Breaking News & Astro Analysis

How to Fix an Appointment

Thumb nail of transit of planets before Saturn turns retrograde (Demo)

Mars currently transiting in Pisces enters the 4th amsa on February 25, 2015 at 1204 hrs IST and conjoins Saturn also in 4th amsa of Scorpio viz., Libra which is its exalted sign. I have already mentioned about why Libra is the exalted sign of Saturn and how it depicts democracy and taken out a leaf from Nostradamus predictions about India.

Mars and Saturn conjunction and mutual aspects are generally unfavourable, specifically in politics. Mars generally tends to show up its power a little in advance and of course depending upon the position of Moon. Looking back, a couple of days before Mars entered its 3rd amsa of Pisces, on February 21 at 0352 hrs when it entered its 3rd amsa of Pisces viz., Virgo, it aspected Sun and Ketu in Sagittarius which was aspected by exalted Saturn in Navamsa. This led to an explosion of Corporate espionage which may snowball into a major controversy. Continuing on the same line, we can expect perhaps a lot more explosives on February 25, 2015 at 1204 hrs when Mars conjoins Saturn in Libra in Navamsa.

Further, Rahu now transiting in Virgo, will change its sookshma on February 28 at 2129 hrs and that is when many more skeletons may fall off from the cupboard. On March 14 at 2033 hrs, Saturn will turn retrograde in the amsa of Libra while Mars then would have moved to its 7th amsa of Pisces corresponding to Capricorn, the exalted sign of Mars. This point, I feel that there is a major problem for the Government and will directly reflect on the ‘deadwood’ in the Government and possibly a lot of truth cleverly hidden so far, is likely to come to the open.  From then on, it is extremely likely that it might be a razor edge walking for the Government.

By April 8, 2015, once Jupiter becomes direct in its exalted sign aspects the then retrograde Saturn in Scorpio (amsa in Libra) Mars in Aries will be in its 4th amsa in Cancer a debilitated sign for Mars, I expect a lot of political turmoil.

The points above may look like a story as of now, but, let us wait and watch instead of jumping the gun.

K Jagadish,

Bangalore, India.

February 21, 2015.