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Operation Democracy – Brain & Heart transplantation for India @ Varanasi (Demo)
Operation Democracy

Operation Democracy

It is the most critical and historical political surgery for India today at Varanasi! It is a typical operation theatre where the team of surgeons get completely exhausted and need relaxation more than the patient. Since God has chosen the banks of the holy river Ganga as an auspicious venue, let us hope that HE will bestow HIS grace in abundance to give us an accountable and responsible Government, lest, the next generation will not have food.


1. I did a Prasna today the May 12, 2014 around 1625 hours IST at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India to find if Arvind Kejriwal will win in Varanasi? Yes, perhaps not with a huge majority due to number of reasons known to all of us and for which Astrology is not required. Astrologically, I would prefer to summarise it as Photo-finish. As a matter of abundant precaution (due to my own inability, or incompetency, if any) let me also say in this context that, it is just not Arvind Kejriwal’s personal win, though it is highly advisable, does not deter AAP to continue with their vision and mission.

2. I did yet another Prasna whether AAP will be able to control the new Government in line with the captioned subject? Here are the observations:

  • Yes, the new Government no matter which party/parties and who heads it will be under immense pressure from AAP.
  • As has already been written in my earlier estimates, the Government will be tightly controlled and will buckle under pressure from AAP.
  • Message of AAP and Arvind Kejriwal will be absolutely clear and loud to the whole political community in the country that the yester years of vote bank, money, muscle and caste politics has ended. The whole world will wake up to the call of Arvind Kejriwal.
  • Arvind Kejriwal will prove that getting elected and loot the country’s exchequer while enjoying Government perquisites has come to an end or coming to an end.
  • The Government will be highly unstable and will soon decide a midterm poll.
  • The dynasty politics will end.
  • By God’s grace, since all ill-gotten money has / is being spent, the erstwhile political community will be cash starved for the midterm poll.

The remarks above are the outcome of a mix of Prasna Shasthra, the JanmaKundli of Arvind Kejriwal and the Indian Independence chart. Let me add here that it is not only the Astrological estimates on the domain knowledge of Astrology, but, I should be honest in boldly declaring that it is my most sincere and devoted prayer to God to grant the above wishes under the guise of Astrology in the interest of every honest citizen of this country. I have no personal like or dislike or bias to any politician or political party, but go along with the basic tenets of humanity and natural principles of equality, truth and justice. I request all the readers to join me in my prayer and pray for the success of the vision and mission of Arvind Kejriwal & AAP since they are the only political party pursuing the path described above.

May God give all of us the strength, courage, confidence and conviction to continue our journey in a manner acceptable to God!

Government of the honest, by the honest, for the honest!

K Jagadish