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Enlighten Mind Posts

Author: Enlighten Mind

Midterm Poll in India – A Daily takes cue from this blog (Demo)

The contents of the blog about ongoing election in India has drawn the print media attention. Samyukta Karnataka, a popular Kannada daily originating from Bangalore, India, has impressively reported the summary of all the posts about Election 2014. Here is the link for your convenience: K Jagadish, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, dated May 10, 2014.   ​ […]

Anxious about the next Government in India? (Demo)

A very close friend of mine wanted me to do a Prasna on the subject just out of curiosity while neither my friend nor I, have any affiliation to any political party or politics. Accordingly, I did a Prasna around 1350 hrs on the May 6, 2014 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Here are the points […]

Arvind Kejriwal the nucleus of Indian Politics (Demo)

Arvind Kejriwal’s political fortunes are more than guaranteed in Election 2014 as per my assessment, God willing, and I pray God to make it true! As already reported in my earlier posts, the Lunar Return Ascendant i.e., when transit Moon crosses over Moon at birth, the then Ascendant or Lagna generally gives a clue of […]

Amazing Special Aspects Of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter (Demo)

Amazing Special Aspects Of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter  The Creator has designed human body in such a wonderful manner, so intelligently, which I am sure that we would not have spent any time on understanding and appreciating this. Perhaps, we are all very busy in eking out our livelihood and there is hardly any attention being paid […]

The Spectacular game of Planets Transit in Navamsa (Demo)

The Dance of the Destiny through interpolation of aspects between transit Rasi chart and transit Navamsa chart through aspects and longitudinal hits to our natal D1 & D9 charts is nothing short of a Multilane Express High Way to Jyotish and is more to be experienced than described. If and when you experience, you may […]

Re-Election in India because of Retrograde Saturn & Mars? (Demo)

The Election in India has begun when the causative planet depicting democracy viz., Saturn is retrograde and the planet of energy, drive and aggression viz.,  Mars too is retrograde. Whenever a major event is scheduled if the causative planet/s for that event is retrograde, the event will get repeated very soon leading to instability. Thus, […]