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Category: Uncategorized

Unique approach of Astrologer K Jagadish!

Birth Chart is a snap-shot of position of Planets at birth and it is static. It serves as a basic reference and can never be debated about. Using the birth chart as the origin of life and of course the further movement of Planets, periodically, as per the Cosmic Law, the beauty of Astrology lies […]

Transcription of Video on Job Loss in English

  [0:00:04-0:00:54] Hello friends please smile don’t mistake this Video Programme or toothpaste toothbrush advertisement. This is a mental brush information we should make you smile and keep you smiling all the way through your life. That’s the best thing to do when you are slightly depressed and the reason maybe anything. Least of all […]

Job Loss Video Hindi Transcription

Job Loss Transcription – Hindi [0: 00: 04-0: 00: 54] नमस्कार दोस्तों कृपया मुस्कुराएं इस वीडियो प्रोग्राम या टूथपेस्ट टूथब्रश के विज्ञापन में गलती न करें। यह एक मानसिक ब्रश की जानकारी है जिसे हमें आपको मुस्कुराना चाहिए और जीवन भर आपको मुस्कुराते रहना चाहिए। जब आप थोड़े उदास हों और इसका कारण शायद कुछ […]

How to improve Memory & Concentration – English Transcription

[0:00:01-0:00:02] hello friends [0:00:04-0:00:09] I welcome you to this program how to improve memory and concentration [0:00:13-0:00:20] and I call my YouTube programs as an YouTube document video document [0:00:21-0:00:22] I really mean to say that [0:00:23-0:00:50] whatever information that is used disseminated through this program should be sustaining or should we should be sustainable […]

Social Value Equity of Enlighten Mind Astrology

  Social Value Equity of Enlighten Mind Astrology When the entire globe is in war with COVID-19, there is a dire need for everyone to help each other to face the threat of Corona Virus. In this hour of global crisis, information dissemination has to be authentic, meaningful and friendly, to take enough care to […]

Planets this week (Demo)

Mars: Mars, the planet of trigger which was retrograde since March 1, 2014 will get direct on May 20, at about 0702 hrs. No event can take place without the influence of Mars. Mars energy has survival instinct and initiates action. It obviously has termination capability as well. Saturn – 3rd and 10th aspect, Jupiter […]

New Articles

Dear Friends, I regret that I could not post new articles for quite some time now. This is because of paucity of time. Nevertheless, my time was being used entirely for conducting TV Episodes on Astrology over a Regional Channel and in the regional language that too live phone-in programme taking questions from telephone callers. […]

The Last Nail on Corona!

This article should give all of us a sigh of relief. Yes, for sure, when the fury of the deadly COVID-19 will get absolutely weak or almost find its way out of this universe! Since all of us are running out of patience, I thought everyone needs a beam of light to look forward to […]